The Band

Monday Mistress

By rebranding the name of arguably the most dreaded day in the week (Monday) and injecting the word that represents a fire of a secret passion (Mistress), Monday Mistress are on a journey to ignite the fuse of their own musical revolution.  Unified in the territory of Northern Virginia, where they also plot and plan, Monday Mistress have drawn from all types of artistic eras and current happenings to mold into their musical voice. The results are the best representation of the chaos and harmony that the members of Monday Mistress exist in.

Flying under the radar so much that they could be claimed as “The Missing Rock Band” Monday Mistress’s sound is not just heard with your ears, but also felt in the ground and in the minds. Armed with a musical arsenal of Raging Hard Rock, Misfit punk, Nails like aggression, Killer howling vocals and on the vein lyrics, Monday Mistress take aim at today’s musical landscape like a gang burning down the highway at 100 miles per hour, with the cops far back in their rear view mirror.

Monday Mistress is

Lindsey Graham – Vocals
Mike Argel – Drums
Joe Carabeo – Astray
Tom Kazemi – Guitar (On Record)
Dave Arnold – Guitar